Prior to resuming on-campus work, all staff, faculty, and graduate students must complete the online COVID-19 Return to Work training via Course Site. The training includes a thorough explanation of all personal safety practices required of Lehigh community members. It also requires anyone wishing to work on campus to acknowledge and agree to abide by safety and hygiene protocols.
All faculty and staff must conduct a personal health self-screening each day before coming to campus. A self-screening tool will be available within the HawkWatch app by July 6.
Remember to stay home if you are feeling ill or have a fever and consult your healthcare provider. You will be required to comply with all on-campus safety and hygiene requirements, including wearing face coverings (masks), social distancing, and hand washing. In August, we will be providing a wellness/safety starter kit for all faculty, staff, and students, which will include masks, hand sanitizer, and other items.
Meetings should be held via Zoom, telephone, or by other device whenever possible and in person meetings should be limited in size as much as possible with strict social distancing and mask requirements in place.