1.13.21: Check-In Information for Residential Students

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A message from Housing Services to residential students.

As we near the start of our Spring 2021 on-campus experience, we have been hard at work to prepare for your arrival, and we are excited to welcome you to Lehigh in the safest way possible. This process has been crafted to mitigate the health risk to our community. Your cooperation and understanding will be important to the success of this process. Please review the following information carefully with anyone traveling with you for move-in.


  • Students who are registered for panhellenic recruitment and NCAA Athletes: Monday, January 25 and Tuesday, January 26.
  • Head Gryphons: Tuesday, January 26.
  • All other Students: Wednesday, January 27 through Sunday, January 31.

To ensure that all students can move into their residential space in a timely manner while respecting social distancing, move-in for all students will take place by appointment only.


Students must sign up for a three-hour time slot. Individuals who do not sign up or arrive outside of their assigned date/time will not be able to move-in until a new date and time can be arranged.

  • Students will sign up for a move-in appointment via your THD Housing and Dining Self-Service Page. This process will begin Thursday, January 14 at 9 a.m. Sign ups will open on a rolling schedule based by building. Please click HERE for detailed instructions on signing up for your move-in appointment.
  • Once you sign up for your appointment, it will appear on your housing and dining selfservice page. If your time appears on your Housing and Dining Self-Service page, it is confirmed.
  • If the need arises to change your check-in appointment, please email housing services at inhouse@lehigh.edu.
  • In order for this process to ensure required social distancing and compliance with the University’s return to campus protocols, it is imperative that all students be respectful of assigned appointment times.


  • COVID-19 Pre-Arrival Testing: Order a test kit from Vault Health using the instructions emailed to you, immediately to provide adequate time to be cleared for your move-in time.
  • Training: Complete student affairs training with code of conduct and COVID-19 expectations information.
  • Health forms: Students coming to campus for the first time this spring should upload and submit all required health forms to the Health and Wellness Center.
  • Lehigh ID card: Students new to campus should submit a photo for your ID to inideal@lehigh.edu. Students returning to campus can email inideal@lehigh.edu if they need a replacement ID printed.
  • Packing: Please limit the items you bring to campus in case the university must unexpectedly close for health and safety reasons related to the pandemic. We recommend bringing only essential items, and we strongly encourage you not to bring large items such as futons and couches.
  • Transportation: We recommend that residents bring only one vehicle to campus to unload. This will help with the flow of traffic for those moving in and the limited parking at each residence hall.
  • Cleaning supplies: While Lehigh has implemented enhanced cleaning practices throughout campus, we recommend you bring your own cleaning supplies to address your personal space, especially if you reside in apartments or suites with private bathrooms (Brodhead, Farrington Square, Sayre Park Village, and Singleton, Hitch & Maida houses).
  • Limited guests: To ensure appropriate social distancing, each student may only bring two guests/family members into the residence hall to assist with move-in. Please note, pets are not permitted on campus.

STEP 3: The Day of Arrival

  • Be sure you have received a negative test result.
  • Check Course Site to be sure your student affairs training is complete.
  • Make sure all required health forms have been submitted to and approved by the Health and Wellness Center. (students coming to campus for the first time this spring)
  • Students and all those assisting with move-in must complete the COVID-19 Self-Assessment and follow all directions provided with your individual QR code before leaving for campus. Students can complete this assessment via the Hawkwatch application. Families who do not have access to Hawkwatch may complete the web-based version. If you are feeling sick, you should not travel to campus.
  • Bring appropriate ID such as a state Driver’s License or Passport to pick up your room key.
  • Don’t forget your masks!


Singleton, Hitch & Maida Residence Halls-only need ID to access the buildings, suite, and bedroom. No Keys needed.

Check in at your residence hall (unless you need a new ID).

  • As you park, put your masks on.
  • Check in on your Housing and Dining Self-Service page to let us know that you are here.
  • Encode your ID card at the main hallway door to your suite.
  • Problems? Call 610-758-3500 or 610-758-4200 after hours.

All Other Residence Halls:

New to Campus, Need an ID? Need a Key?
Curbside Check in at Rathbone Dining Hall.

  • A staff member will assist you when you pull into one of the designated Check-in Parking Spots on University Drive.
  • As you pull in, put your masks on.
  • Get out your Photo ID.
  • Open your Self-assessment QRs on your phone or prepare to show a hard copy.
  • Stay in your vehicle.

Returning to campus, Have your ID? Have your key?
Check in at your residence hall.

  • As you park, put your masks on.
  • Check in on your Housing and Dining Self Service page to let us know that you are here.
  • Problems? Call 610-758-3500 or 610-758-4200 after hours.


  • Please unload your vehicle within the allotted time block.
  • The use of face coverings over both your nose and mouth is required at all times while you are on Lehigh’s campus.
  • Our custodial contractor, ABM, will clean and sanitize the common and high-touch areas of the residence halls throughout each designated move-in day.
  • Once belongings have been moved into rooms, family members and guests will be asked to depart from campus at the completion of your time block so vehicles in the next time block can be accommodated.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping to make the Lehigh move-in experience efficient and safe. Students should continue to check their Lehigh email and the Housing Services website for updates. Information also continues to be updated on the Lehigh COVID-19 Information site. Thank you for your attention to these detailed instructions and we look forward to seeing you soon.