1.11.22: Lehigh University Spring 2022 Move-In Information

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A message sent by Housing Services to residential students.

Dear Residential Students,

As we near the start of our Spring 2022 semester, we wanted to provide you with some important instructions about the move-in process. As you were made aware from the Jan. 6 communication from university leaders about the spring semester, all residential students will be required to take a Lehigh-provided COVID test upon arrival on campus and obtain a negative test result before participating in academic or social activities (as described in further detail below). This will be an important action you will be required to take within the first few hours of your arrival on campus.

In addition, if you are feeling sick, please stay home and delay your arrival. (If you are staying home, please change your arrival date on your Self-Service page.) Additionally, we strongly encourage you to get a COVID test BEFORE traveling back to campus in case you are positive but asymptomatic. This will allow you the opportunity to isolate at home and avoid traveling to Bethlehem only to find out you must now isolate yourself. If your pre-arrival test is negative, you will still be required to complete arrival testing.

Reporting Positive COVID Tests: Students who have recently tested positive for COVID must submit documentation of their positive test to the Health and Wellness Center through the Patient Portal if they have not already done so. Students who have registered a positive test, do not need to complete pre-arrival or arrival testing.

This arrival process has been crafted to mitigate the health risk to our community. Your cooperation and understanding will be important to the success of this process. Please review the following information carefully.


  • Sorority members and students who are registered for Panhellenic Recruitment: Monday, Jan. 17, and Tuesday, Jan. 18
  • Gryphons: Thursday, Jan. 20
  • All other students: Friday, Jan. 21, through Sunday, Jan. 30

To ensure that all students can move into their residential space in a timely manner, students will need to indicate what day they plan on moving back to campus.

STEP ONE: SCHEDULE YOUR MOVE-IN DAY (Gryphons will skip this step)

Students must sign up for a specific move-in day. This is to ensure the appropriate number of COVID tests are available for distribution.

  • Students will sign up for a move-in day via your THD Housing and Dining Self-Service Page. This sign up process will begin Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 9 a.m. Sign ups will open on a rolling schedule based on current housing assignments. Please click HERE for instructions on signing up for your move-in day.
  • Once you sign up for your move-in day, it will appear on your Housing and Dining Self-Service page. If your day appears on your Housing and Dining Self-Service page, it is confirmed.
  • If the need arises to change your check-in day, please email housing services at inhouse@lehigh.edu.


  • If you are feeling sick, or have any COVID symptoms, you should not travel to campus.
  • Make sure all required health forms have been submitted to and approved by the Health and Wellness Center.
  • Take a COVID test before planning to travel to Bethlehem, if possible.
  • If you’re a new student, send in your photo for your ID card by Jan. 14.
  • If you’re a new student, bring appropriate ID such as a state driver’s license or passport to pick up your room key.
  • Don’t forget your masks! (If possible, you should upgrade your mask to KN-95 or equivalent masks.)


Singleton, Hitch & Maida Residence Halls- You only need an ID to access the buildings, suite, and bedroom. No keys are needed.

Check in at your residence hall (unless you need a new ID).

  • As you park, put your masks on.
  • Encode your ID card at the foyer reader of your building. Please note: cards must be reencoded every 5 days, so you will want to get in the habit of tapping that reader with your card every time you pass it.
  • Problems? Call 610-758-3500 or 610-758-4200 after hours.

All Other Residence Halls:

New to campus or need an ID or need a key?
Check in at Rathbone Dining Hall, 63 University Dr. Bethlehem, PA 18015 between the hours of 9:00am-4:00pm

  • Look for the check-in flags.
  • As you park, please put on your mask.
  • Get out your photo ID.
  • Come inside the glass doors marked for check-in to pick up your ID and room key.

Returning to campus, have your ID, and/or have your key?
Check in at your residence hall.

  • As you park, put your masks on.
  • Problems? Call 610-758-3500 or 610-758-4200 after hours.


  • The use of face coverings over both your nose and mouth is required at all times while you are on Lehigh’s campus. We are additionally recommending that if possible, you wear a disposable surgical mask, a KN-95 or a KF-94 mask, rather than a cloth mask, as these masks may be more effective at preventing transmission.
  • Once belongings have been moved into rooms, family members and guests will be asked to depart from campus as quickly as possible to make space for others moving in the same day.


Secure and self-administer your Lehigh-provided InteliSwab rapid test. Follow the instructions provided with the test and, if you test positive, the instructions for uploading positive results to the Health and Wellness Center Patient Portal.

  • On-campus residential students will be issued a test to take in their residence hall upon their return.
  • Fraternity and sorority residents will be issued a test to take in their room upon their return to campus.
  • First-year women participating in Panhellenic recruitment should follow instructions provided by the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Affairs.
  • International students arriving on campus should follow the instructions provided by The Office of International Students and Scholars (OISS).
  • Early arrivals approved to come to campus before Thursday, Jan. 20, will pick up a test at the Health and Wellness Center.
  • In-season NCAA athletes should follow the testing instructions provided by their team coaches.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in helping to make the Lehigh move-in experience efficient and safe. Information continues to be updated on the Lehigh COVID-19 Information site. Thank you for your attention to these detailed instructions and we look forward to seeing you soon.

Housing Services