Stories about Research

Robot hand

Optimization: A Complex Road to the Simplest Path

Lehigh researchers’ work in foundational optimization aims to improve our ability to learn from massive amounts of data more efficiently.

Batman crying in the rain

The Impacts of Gender Role Socialization on Health and Culture

Christopher Liang and Nicole L. Johnson explore how socialized gender roles can impact men’s and women’s health, contribute to rape culture and amplify cultural problems.

Illustration of the inside of the human heart

Yue Yu Develops Mathematical Model of the Damage Process of Bioprosthetic Heart Valves

The model and its corresponding open-source software will help researchers understand how the damage process evolves over time.


Zicheng Yu Explores the Potential Role of Peat Bogs in Stemming the Tide of Global Climate Change

Peatlands, found in both arctic and tropical climates, can help reduce carbon accumulation in the atmosphere.

Dollar bill

Jae Bum Kim Finds Value in the Credit Default Swap

A study in the Journal of Accounting Research concluded that the “positive” seen in CDSs could be traced directly back to the sense of “insurance” they provide to lenders.

Multicolored triangle shaped design

Atomic Layer Deposition: The Future of Computer Hardware

Slowly adding heat during atomic layer deposition while using an electron beam to monitor the process, Nicholas Strandwitz is helping technology to continue to shrink.

Illustration of child reading in adult's lap

Little Talks: A Targeted Curriculum for Home Visiting Programs

Patricia Manz develops curriculum to improve home visiting services for children with significant developmental needs.

Old photograph of Middle Eastern archaeological dig

Allison Mickel Examines the Limiting Labor Practices of Modern Archaeological Excavations

Mickel explores the notion that the exclusively manual work that local site workers do not only exploits them in terms of labor conditions, but also puts them at risk of job loss if they exhibit their work as intellectual or scientific labor.

Boots walking across stones marked with letters spelling out the word words

Psychology, Computational Linguistics and the Evolution of Word Meaning

Barbara Malt and her collaborators examine how we talk about objects across multiple languages—and how that reflects human thought processes.

Illustration of corals with skull

Santiago Herrera Dives Deep to Understand Connectivity Patterns in Deepwater Coral Communities

Herrera’s research helps guide decisions about which sites to designate as marine protected areas in the Gulf of Mexico in the years following the Deepwater Horizon disaster.