Clarke Applegate ’44 embodiesthe true spirit of a loyal Lehigh University alumnus

Reunion: Lehigh Proud

Clarke Applegate ’44 embodies true spirit of a loyal Lehigh alum.

Clarke Applegate ’44 embodied the true spirit of a loyal Lehigh University alumnus during Reunion Weekend, June 6 to 9. The 95-year-old drove the 20 miles from his home in Milford, N.J., to attend the festivities and represent the Class of 1944 in the historic Parade of Classes (above). When asked his major, Applegate proudly answered, “Civil!,” as in civil engineering!

Applegate’s Lehigh experience began in 1940, but was interrupted midway through by World War II. He served some time overseas and then returned to Bethlehem to earn his degree in 1947. So much has changed since he wore his dink freshman year, but as everyone watching the parade could see, his love for his alma mater has remained as strong as ever.

Applegate was among the 1,400 alumni and guests who attended Reunion 2019 during a beautiful weekend on South Mountain.

Story by Dawn Thren ’21P

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