Editorial Services

Editorial Services

Lehigh University
Communications and Public Affairs
301 Broadway, 4th Floor - Suite 400
Bethlehem, PA 18015
P: 610-758-4487
Fax: 610-758-5566
Email: communications@lehigh.edu
Website: www.lehigh.edu/communications

Editorial Services Staff

Kristen DiPrinzio
Director, University Communications

Lauren Thein
Stephen Gross
Christina Tatu

Inspiring The Future Makers: A Message from President Joseph J. Helble

A message shared with members of the Lehigh campus community.

Watch: Inspiring the Future Makers

See how Inspiring the Future Makers will guide Lehigh for the next decade.

Steel Battalion Students Become Commissioned Officers of the United States Armed Forces

ROTC students from 11 colleges and universities, including Lehigh, became commissioned officers during a ceremony in Packer Memorial Church.

Resources for Students

A message sent to Lehigh students.

Update Regarding the Search for Daniel Lee

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

Helping Virtual Reality Reflect Social Realities

Valerie Jones Taylor is part of a nationwide, interdisciplinary team working to help virtual reality (VR) research better reflect real-world social dynamics.

Summer Building Access

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

Lehigh Commencement 2023 Highlights

Watch highlights of the graduate and undergraduate ceremonies as Lehigh holds its 155th Commencement.

Dulra Amolegbe ’26 Earns Top Honors At Baker Institute Annual Awards Dinner

Amolegbe earned both the Joan F. & John M. Thalheimer ’55 EUREKA! Award for student Achievement in venture creation and the Thalheimer Grand Prize of $5000 for his startup, Dot.

Cecily Ritchie Makes Mark as a Campus Leader

She graduates with a degree in health, medicine & society and environmental studies, with a minor in marketing.

For Victoria Drzymala, Politics Isn't a Spectator Sport

She graduates with a degree in political science and international relations, and minors in anthropology, and Latin American and Latino studies.

Raihan Alam Promotes Civil Discourse

He graduates with a double major in psychology and political science.

Marina Mendez Embraces Campus and Community Involvement

She graduates with a civil engineering and an Integrated Business and Engineering finance degree.

Jake Martinez Combines a Passion for Sports with Entrepreneurship

He graduates with a major in marketing and concentrations in brand management and innovation.

Bonor Ayambem Strives to Keep Learning

She graduates with a degree in computer engineering and a minor in English.

Coping Under COVID: Dealing With Stress During Traumatic Events

A new study explores how individuals coped with stressful life events experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and which strategies were associated with better quality of life.

Lehigh Students Pioneer Immersive Art Experience for Students with Disabilities

Project utilizes 360-degree technology to inspire Centennial School students through the power of arts.

New Changes to Campus Access and Reminders for Extended Building Hours During Final Exam

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community on May 9, 2023.