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4.23.20: Update for Students from Provost Farrell

A message from Provost Pat Farrell to undergraduate and graduate students.

Headshot of Eduardo Gomez

Eduardo Gómez Co-Authors Think Global Health Article on Politics and the Coronavirus

The associate professor in Lehigh's College of Health penned an article, 'Politics May Kill Us, Not the Coronavirus,' with a professor and dean at the Boston University School of Public Health.

Eduardo Gomez in his home office

Eduardo Gómez Featured in Newsweek Article on Coronavirus Reopening Plan

The associate professor in Lehigh's College of Health was asked about what restrictions could remain in place as the United States plans to reopen the economy.

4.22.20: Update for Summer 2020: Policy on Online Exam Proctoring

A message to faculty and instructional staff regarding online exam proctoring for Summer 2020 from Provost Farrell.

4.22.20: Graduate Student Hiring Freeze Exemption Request Procedure

Important information about graduate student and post-doctoral trainee funding and employment for Summer and Fall 2020.

4.22.20: Guidance on Using Masks and Other Updates (HWC Update)

An update from the Lehigh Health and Wellness Center outlines guidance on using masks.

COVID-19: The Impact on Financial Regulations

A Q&A with Kathleen Hanley, professor of finance and director of the Center of Financial Services at the College of Business.

Thalheimer Pitch Competition Celebrates Student Entrepreneurs Virtually 

Ben Mesnik ’20 wins Joan F. and John M. Thalheimer ‘55 grand prize at Baker Institute's annual Innovate! Celebrate! event.

spring virtual celebration

4.21.20: Virtual Celebration for Graduates - Sunday, May 17, 2020

A virtual celebration will be held for graduating students on May 17, at 1:00 p.m. EDT.

The beautiful Lehigh campus in spring

Standing Strong

The Lehigh community rallies togetherand rises to the challenge.

covid-19 update

4.17.20: Week 5--Updates and Check-ins from Provost Farrell

An update sent to faculty and staff.

Lehigh Student Wins National Scenic Design Award

Travis Martinez ’21 is honored for his scenic design work for the Lehigh production of ‘Smart People.’

president update

4.17.20: Lehigh Community and Looking Ahead

President Simon updates the community and provides information on working groups, outlook for fall.

4.17.20: Lehigh HR Benefits Update

A message from Human Resources on CARES/FFCRA Act COVID-19 Related Impacts on Benefits.

Lehigh 3D prints face shields

Lehigh Provides 3D-Printed Face Shields to LVHN, Good Shepherd

The university has so far delivered nearly 500 face shields to help hospitals and medical centers in their fight against the coronavirus.

Ricardo Viera

Remembering Ricardo Viera, an Innovator for Visual Literacy  

LUAG’s former longtime director, who passed away April 1, is remembered for his passion for the arts and his lifetime of contributions to Lehigh.

4.15.20: University Actions in Response to COVID-19

An update sent to faculty and staff regarding reducing university expenses.

Natalie Maroun on the dome of the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore

Studying Abroad in Italy: How COVID-19 Changed Everything

Natalie Maroun ’21 recounts how the pandemic impacted her studies—and how Lehigh’s efforts helped her cope.

Lehigh University's Alumni Memorial Building

4.14.20: Update on On-Campus Summer Programs

All on-campus summer programs through the end of July have been canceled.

Lehigh College of Health

Whitney P. Witt: 'Harness the Big Data Revolution' to Support Maternal and Child Health

The inaugural dean of Lehigh's new College of Health authored a guest post about maternal and child health on Public Heath Newswire's website.