Vincent Munley Named University Service Professor

Vincent Munley has been named University Service Professor in recognition of his exceptional service to Lehigh. The prestigious University Service Professorship is awarded on recommendation of the university president and at the discretion of the board of trustees to a faculty member or administrator returning to the professorate from extensive service responsibilities. 

“Based on his vast expertise, his years of service to the Lehigh community, and his wise, sage counsel to the university faculty, provost and president, there is truly no other faculty member who is more deserving of this recognition than Vince,” said President John Simon.

Munley joined the department of economics at Lehigh in 1980. He was named the Class of 1961 Professor from 1986-1988, served as chair of the department from 1993-1999, and was named the Iacocca Professor of Business and Economics from 2000-2008. Munley was a Fulbright Scholar at the National University of Ireland, Galway in Spring 2002 and served as Lehigh’s first ombudsperson from 2002-2007.

Appointed deputy provost for faculty affairs in 2010, Munley ensured effective two-way communication between the Provost's Office and individual faculty and faculty committees. He was a key representative on faculty issues including shared governance, tenure and promotion policies, faculty work-life balance, mentoring, two ADVANCE grants, and career development. He supervised the faculty personnel review process and served as an advisor to faculty, department chairs, and deans on the requirements of Rules and Procedures with regard to faculty personnel policies. Munley remained in that role until stepping down on January 20 of this year.

“Over the last six years, Vince has been a trusted colleague upon whose counsel and expertise I relied heavily,” said Provost Pat Farrell. “We are all grateful for his service and I am so pleased that he is receiving this well-deserved recognition.”

Munley is currently on academic leave and will return as professor in the department of economics this fall. 

"I am incredibly honored and most grateful to be afforded this award," said Munley.