Stories about Student Experience

Person handling lab vials with red liquid at desk, wearing a Lehigh shirt.

Lehigh students are Pioneering the Next Generation of Data Storage

Purple Drop Project Advances DNA Computing for Unmatched Data Density and Durability.

Students walking toward a student center on a college campus.

Revitalized Clayton University Center To Open Ahead of Schedule in January 2025

The renovated building will include a variety of new dining options and spaces designed for community members to gather to collaborate, study and socialize

Students compete in a bed race

Lehigh’s Annual Bed Race is a Rivalry Week Tradition

There were 32 teams who participated in this year’s Bed Races.

HEED Award

Lehigh Named ‘Diversity Champion,’ Receives National Award for Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

Lehigh remains a winner of the national HEED award and, for the first time, has been named a Diversity Champion by Insight into Diversity magazine.

A Lehigh baseball cap sits on a table in front of a student holding a phone with an "I voted" sticker on it.

Students Spent Civic Engagement Day Voting, Discussing Political Topics

Lehigh gave students the day off from classes to encourage their participation in civic activities.