Alumni Bulletin Covers Through the Years

The Lehigh Alumni Bulletin has featured a range of cover designs since its inception.

Stepping Through Time

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The Lehigh Alumni Bulletin's mission—to provide alumni with news about the university, its students, faculty and fellow alumni—has remained the same through the years.

Story by

Mary Ellen Alu


“The University’s New Year.” “Faculty Changes.” “Alumni to Return for Big Game.” (Hint: against that other college.) Those were among the headlines in the inaugural issue of the Lehigh Alumni Bulletin, published in October 1913.

In the nearly 120 years since then, the Bulletin has grown in distribution size and page count—and enjoyed numerous redesigns—but continues in its mission to provide alumni with news about the university, its students, faculty and fellow alumni.

The 2023 redesign offers a fresh look, shorter content for readers in a hurry but longer stories too, and new and bigger fonts to hopefully make the magazine easier to read. It introduces new content like Bookshelf, which highlights alumni and faculty authors, Ask the Expert and Squawk, which captures your social media comments. And that big game? Come fall, you’ll likely hear about that too.

Story by

Mary Ellen Alu
