The Summer 2016 Bulletin highlights several alumni, faculty and students who are doing inspiring work—in research, teaching, service and on the playing field. The issue also remembers a hero, Francis Willis ’28, who gave his life to save another.

Stephen Klasko '74, CEO of Jefferson Health in Philadelphia, believes the American health care system is broken. He believes American higher education is broken, too. His ambition is simple: to fix both.

An act of selflessness and bravery from Megan Kienzle ’17 helped save the life of a friend suffering from a rare genetic disorder.

Four days after graduating, Francis Willis '28 died while saving a 9-year-old boy from drowning. His heroism still reverberates today.

Berrisford Boothe helps save a treasure trove of African-American art.

Kaitlyn Ruffing '17 is one of the most accomplished swimmers in Lehigh history. But that's only part of her story.