Take the Challenge: Beat Lafayette
Don’t let Lafayette win again!
What? After all, you say, we’ve trounced that other school three years running on the football field. The same, unfortunately, can’t be said for the Lehigh-Lafayette Challenge, which the Brown & White lost last year by just seven points.
The Lehigh-Lafayette Challenge was the brainchild of our Young Alumni Council, and pits us against our rivals across the Valley in a competition to see which school can rally the most donors. The challenge overall was a great success—more than 500 alumni and friends stepped up to show their support of Lehigh and strengthen the university.
Still, the ‘Pards won by a whisker, and that really makes me crazy.
Now, let’s take back our trophy. The Challenge kicked off Nov. 1—and this year, victory is our ONLY option.
What do you need to remember?
• Make your gift. You can give by phone or online between now and Nov. 18, OR text your $10 gift right up until kickoff of the third quarter. Instructions are at www.llchallenge.com. Go there!
• Every single gift matters. As you can see from last year’s final score, EVERY gift counts.
• You can text multiple times. Text early and as often as your carrier allows to put Lehigh over the top.
They’ll be tackling on the field, but only your participation can bring us a “W” in the Lehigh-Lafayette Challenge. Again, every gift counts—especially yours.
Robert W. Wolfenden
Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
P.S. Track the contest at www.llchallenge.com. And, if you’re going to tweet about the challenge or the game, use #rivalry147!
October 2011
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