Message from the Dean (April 2005)

Welcome to the April 2005 edition of Enginews, the monthly online newsletter of the P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science.
This issue of Enginews contains an article about the Undergraduate Research Symposium, which will be held for the first time ever at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 20 in Room 91 of the Rauch Business Center.
More than a dozen students, representing all seven RCEAS academic departments and our new program in bioengineering, will make oral presentations to a panel of researchers from industry and academia.
The idea for this exciting new event comes from Prof. Himanshu Jain of our materials science and engineering department. Himanshu is working with Prof. Wojtek Misiolek, also of materials science and engineering, to organize the symposium and help the students prepare their presentations.
Himanshu told me he would like to see Lehigh undergraduate students in materials science give formal presentations on their research to outside professionals. I thought this was a great idea that we should generalize to the college level by encouraging all undergraduates to take an interest in research and by supporting them when they do. This will help students discover a whole new dimension of science and engineering that they may not be able to experience in a typical classroom setting. My hope is that this event seeds the excitement of research and discovery that will spread overtime.
Exposing students to research will give them a greater appreciation for the patience, persistence and creativity involved in solving a research problem or developing a new technology. This will help prepare our students not just for possible careers as researchers but also for lives as independent and analytical thinkers, no matter where their careers take them.
Therefore, I'm very happy to report that the Undergraduate Research Symposium will become an annual event in the Engineering College.

I hope you enjoy reading Enginews. As always, feel free to click on the icons and drop a line to Kurt Pfitzer with suggestions for improvement and with ideas for stories and photos.
Best wishes,
S. David Wu
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