Last week to submit nominations for University Awards
Each year, Lehigh honors a select group of talented and dedicated faculty and staff members for their contributions to the university. The last day to submit nominations for this year’s University Awards is Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011.
Nominations may be made for the following awards:
-Alfred Noble Robinson Exempt and Nonexempt Staff Award (staff)
-Hillman Exempt Staff Award (staff)
-Hillman Nonexempt Staff Award (staff)
-LU Exempt Staff Distinguished Service Award (staff)
-Zirkel Nonexempt Staff Award (staff)
-Zirkel Library Staff Award (staff)
-Alfred Noble Robinson Faculty Award (faculty)
-Beidleman Research Award (CBE faculty)
-Lindback Award for Distinguished Teaching (faculty)
-Hillman Faculty Award (faculty)
-LU Jr. Award for Distinguished Teaching (faculty)
-Libsch Early Career Research Award (faculty)
-Libsch Research Award (faculty)
-Staub Faculty Award (CBE faculty)
-Hillman Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Advising (faculty)
-Hillman Award for Excellence in Graduate Advising (faculty)
-Stabler Award for Excellence in Teaching (faculty)
Awards are grouped according to three nominator categories—staff, faculty and students. If you wish to make a nomination, visit the University Awards website and click in the right-hand column on the group to which you belong. You may then select from the list of awards for which you are eligible to make a nomination.
A nomination submitted for an award outside an eligible category will not be considered.
Nominations received after Feb. 16 will be considered for next year’s awards program.
Award winners will be announced at the Lehigh Appreciation Dinner for faculty and staff on Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
Please visit the website for more information on submitting nominations, previous winners and other criteria. Questions about the program can be directed to Kelli Oliver at x85923.
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