Formula SAE Unveiling and Department Open House
Lewis and Packard Laboratories
Lehigh University
Friday, April 8, 2011 | 2-5 p.m.
Join us to catch a glimpse of fast-paced research being conducted by our faculty and students, and to tour some of the labs and facilities that make it possible.
2:00-2:45 p.m.:
Formula SAE Unveiling
(Lewis Lab)
MEM Open House
(Memorial Walkway and Packard Lab)
* PLEASE NOTE: In case of rain, unveiling event will take place in Packard Lab Auditorium (Rm. 101)
For planning purposes, we ask that you register through this simple online form if you plan to attend.
Lehigh University
Friday, April 8, 2011 | 2-5 p.m.
Join us to catch a glimpse of fast-paced research being conducted by our faculty and students, and to tour some of the labs and facilities that make it possible.
2:00-2:45 p.m.:
Formula SAE Unveiling
(Lewis Lab)
MEM Open House
(Memorial Walkway and Packard Lab)
* PLEASE NOTE: In case of rain, unveiling event will take place in Packard Lab Auditorium (Rm. 101)
For planning purposes, we ask that you register through this simple online form if you plan to attend.
LAB TOURS During the Open House, these labs will be available for tours and descriptions of research conducted within: | |
STUDENT CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS During the Open House, these student groups will demonstrate their work and display results of their research endeavors: |
Posted on:
Wednesday, March 30, 2011