Do you have passion for Lehigh?
I continue to be impressed by those who exude Lehigh passion, and I’ve seen it endure and even grow throughout my more than 16 years with the university. From students and alumni to faculty, coaches, staff, and supporters of our numerous programs, love for Lehigh is strong and widespread. It’s apparent every day and has been pervasive throughout this month.
Sadly, as we were ready to send this month's e-newsletter, we received word that one of Lehigh's most passionate supporters had passed away. Ted Diamond '37, '85H was an inspiration to all alumni, and I encourage you to read: In memoriam: Theodore L. Diamond '37, '85H
Recent examples that epitomize Lehigh pride include the student “I ♥ LU” giving program, Lehigh love stories, this semester’s Greek Alumni Council meeting, and the East Coast Athletic Conference (ECAC) Football Awards Banquet.
The Class Officers encouraged current students to ‘pay it forward’ by supporting the institution through giving. Throughout the week of Valentine’s Day, students gave to the university and signed their names to hearts which read “I ♥ LU.” Students could add a personal message on the hearts, which were attached to a banner. The support and passion were contagious—see pictures on the Young Alumni Facebook page!
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day we asked alumni, “Did you meet your sweetheart at Lehigh?” The response was heartwarming and the stories were wonderful! Visit the Alumni Association Facebook page to see all of the great stories, including multi-generational Lehigh families!
The Greek Alumni Council meeting held on Feb. 12 drew a crowd of more than 150 current students and alumni—an impressive turnout for any day, particularly for a Sunday morning! Fraternities, sororities and multicultural Greek organizations were represented. It was a positive environment where knowledge and ideas were exchanged, historic information and stories were shared, and the Lehigh spirit was fortified. Opportunities and challenges were discussed, with a focus on strengthening Greek life at Lehigh. It was inspiring to see this level of engagement.
And just last week, I attended the ECAC banquet, where the Lehigh Football team was honored as the Lambert Cup and ECAC Football Championship Subdivision Team of the Year. Personally, it was an honor to accompany Coach Andy Coen, current and past players (including previous Lambert Cup winners representing each decade back to the 1950s) along with other alumni and supporters of Lehigh’s sports programs. The Lehigh contingent was 40 strong, and it was moving to see the alumni who traveled a great distance to support our student athletes. The group’s enthusiasm and pride for Lehigh Football was noted by other attendees as “impressive.” Congratulations to our players—it was a fitting celebration for a wonderful season!
Clearly, I’m passionate about Lehigh and I know many of you are, too. Are you looking for new ways to connect or reconnect with Lehigh? Check out MyLehigh for events near you, volunteer opportunities, details on Reunion 2012, how gifts strengthen the institution and your degree, and other ways to be involved. If you haven’t already, make your gift today.
Show your Lehigh passion!
Robert W. Wolfenden
Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
February 2012
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