Campus events highlights, November 19 – 28
(All events are free unless otherwise noted.)
Friday, Nov. 19: “Recent Changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet as Seen from Space”
Friday, Nov. 19: “Spirits of Nineteenth Century America”
Friday, Nov. 19: “Role of Microstructure in Multiscale Crystal Plasticity”
Friday, Nov. 19: “Recent changes in the Greenland Ice Sheet as seen from space”
The department of earth and environmental sciences presents an address by Dorothy Hall of NASA.
The event begins at noon in Room 101 of the STEPS building.
Friday, Nov. 19: “Spirits of Nineteenth Century America”
The American Studies program and Friends of the Lehigh Libraries present an address by Mark Lause, assistant professor of history at the University of Cincinnati. Lause will examine spiritualism’s importance, providing insight into the centrality of faith in U.S. history.
The event begins at noon in the Scheler Humanities Forum of Linderman Library.
Friday, Nov. 19: “Role of Microstructure in Multiscale Crystal Plasticity”
The department of mechanical engineering and mechanics presents a seminar by Remi Dingreville, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of New York University.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Room 466 of Packard Laboratory.
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