Campus events highlights: Feb. 17-26
(All events are free unless otherwise noted.)
Friday, Feb. 17: “Controlling Size-Affected Flow Response in FCC Crystals”
Friday, Feb. 17: “Natural Hazard Risk: Public Perceptions and Political Perversities”
Monday, Feb. 20: “Labor in American Politics”
Tuesday, Feb. 21: “Decoding Species-specific programs of Corticogenesis”
Tuesday, Feb. 21: “I Long for Endless Sugar”
Wednesday, Feb. 22: “Diamond Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Applications”
Thursday, Feb. 23: “What Is an Image?”
Thursday, Feb. 23: “The Angular Momentum Problem for Ordinary Stars”
Friday, Feb. 17: “The Role of the Initial Dislocation Density in Controlling Size-Affected Flow Response in FCC Crystals”
The department of mechanical engineering and mechanics presents an address by Jaafar El-Awady, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins University.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Packard 466.
Friday, Feb. 17: “Natural Hazard Risk: Public Perceptions and Political Perversities”
The Fazlur R. Khan Distinguished Lecture Series presents an address by Ross B. Corotis, the Denver Business Challenge Professor of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering at the University of Colorado in Boulder.
The event begins at 4:30 p.m. in Sinclair Auditorium. It is sponsored by the departments of civil and environmental engineering and the department of art and architecture.
Monday, Feb. 20: “Labor in American Politics: From FDR’s New Deal to Scott Walker’s Wisconsin”
The Southside Initiative presents an address by Nelson Lichtenstein, the MacArthur Foundation Professor of History at the University of California-Santa Barbara and author of The Retail Revolution: How Walmart Created a Brave New World of Business and other books.
The event begins at 4 p.m. in the Scheler Humanities Forum, Room 200 of Linderman Library.
At noon in the Scheler Humanities Forum, Lichtenstein will lead a forum on labor relations in early 21st-century America. Lunch will be provided. Contact by Friday, Feb. 17, if you wish to attend.
Tuesday, Feb. 21: “Decoding Species-Specific Programs of Corticogenesis”
The department of biological sciences presents an address by Albert Ayoub, a research scientist at the Yale University School of Medicine.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Room B-217 of Iacocca Hall.
Tuesday, Feb. 21: “I Long for Endless Sugar”
The Center for Global Islamic Studies presents an address by Jamal J. Elias, department chair of religious studies at of the University of Pennsylvania and author of the book On Wings of Diesel: Identity, Imagination and Truck Decoration in Pakistan.
The event begins at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 of the University Center. It is cosponsored by the department of religion studies.
Wednesday, Feb. 22: “Diamond Nanoparticles: Chemistry and Applications”
The department of chemistry presents an address by Yury Gogotsi, Distinguished University and Trustee Chair Professor of materials science and engineering at Drexel University.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Neville Auditorium 3.
Thursday, Feb. 23: “What Is an Image?”
The Visions Lecture Series of the Humanities Center presents an address by James Elkins, the E.C. Chadbourne Professor of Art History, Theory and Criticism at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and author of What Painting Is, Why Are Our Pictures Puzzles?, How to Use Your Eyes and other books.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in the Scheler Humanities Forum, Room 200 of Linderman Library. It is cosponsored by the department of art, architecture and design; ArtsLehigh; and the Lehigh University Art Galleries.
Thursday, Feb. 23: “The Angular Momentum Problem for Ordinary Stars”
The department of physics presents an address by Sean Matt, a research scientist with CEA Saclay in France.
The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Room 316 of Lewis Lab.
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