Are you ready for The Rivalry?
I love a great tradition—and what could be better than Lehigh-Lafayette football? The crowd yelling, the crisp autumn air, and the most-played rivalry (this year marks the 145th meeting) in college football history ... that’s what fall is all about!
Unfortunately, the Nov. 21 game is sold out, and most of you live too far away to attend anyway. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be part of the action—which brings me to another great Lehigh tradition: the Worldwide Telecast Party.
It turns out that Lehigh/Laf telecast parties—something like them, anyway—actually started before The Game was even broadcast on TV. Displaying true Lehigh ingenuity, groups of alumni around the country dialed into campus, where a telephone was patched into a radio broadcasting the game. Paper football players were repositioned on a wall schematic after each play. Needless to say, this plan worked better earlier in the game than later.
Telecast parties are a lot easier these days, thanks to the miracle of television. We’ve captured the magic of Lehigh/Laf, and we’re sending it—live!—to an establishment near you. You can join your fellow alumni to cheer the Brown and White on to victory, and maybe talk some good-natured trash to those Lafayette alums on the other side of the room.
It’s a great time to be a Lehigh alum! Come on out and watch Lehigh go for two in a row. Details and scheduled locations are available online. I hope you can join us!
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