Academic schedule changes due to lost class days
With the loss of three class days and a scheduled “four o’clock” exam, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs Patrick V. Farrell has announced the following changes to the academic calendar.
“I recognize that this is challenging for everyone--faculty, staff, and students,” said Farrell in an email. “We want to provide you with the learning opportunities you may have missed due to class cancellation, while recognizing this may create scheduling issues for faculty, staff, and students. We have little flexibility in terms of changing the final exam or Thanksgiving recess schedules given academic as well as personal plans that have already been made.”
With these challenges in mind:
1. Classes will resume on Thursday, November 3, 2011, with regular Thursday classes.
2. All four o'clock exams canceled on Wednesday November 2nd will be made up on Monday, Nov 7th. The four o’clock exams scheduled for Thursday, November 3, are canceled. If you previously had a scheduled exam on November 3rd, await further direction from your course instructor pertaining to the use of Tuesday, November 15.
3. While we hope all classroom utilities are fully operational, given the cold start of a power up, that may not be the case on Thursday. If your classroom is not functioning as normal, your faculty member can connect with LTS support services through the usual channels (LTS HelpDesk 8-4357) so they can correct the situation.
4. To “make-up” for the three lost class days, instructors have been asked to develop make-up times and dates for their classes, recognizing that many alternative class times will conflict with other student responsibilities or prior obligations. Instructors should do their best to accommodate students with scheduling challenges and provide alternatives for students unable to attend a make-up class. Be aware that instructors may arrange a different classroom or time period for proposed make-up instruction time, so carefully read any messages about make-up times and locations. Contact your instructor or department if you have questions.
5. In case no other make-up times are available, three Saturdays, Nov. 5, Nov. 12, and Dec. 3 have been designated as additional dates classes could be held if necessary.
a. Monday classes originally scheduled for 10/31 can be made up in original room and time on Nov. 5.
b. Tuesday classes originally scheduled for 11/01 can be made up in original room and time on Nov. 12.
c. Wednesday classes originally scheduled for 11/02 can be made up in original room and time on Dec. 3.
The times and locations have been reserved by the Registrar. Your instructor will inform you if they are using these reserved times and locations.
Using these dates will likely impose conflicts on students and faculty with other campus events and prior engagements. We have encouraged faculty to accommodate scheduling difficulties as generously as possible, and please be willing and flexible to work with your instructors.
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