Health Advisory Update Tuesday, Nov. 22 3:30 p.m.
(Updated 11/22 3:30 p.m.) The two Lehigh students who had confirmed cases of meningococcal meningitis are being treated at St. Luke's Hospital and continue to improve. There are no new or suspected cases.
The free antibiotic that was dispensed Sunday and Monday at open clinics in Lamberton Hall as a preventative for meningococcal meningitis will still be available to students who call the Lehigh University Health Center at 610-758-3870 until the Health Center closes at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Anyone who needs medical attention when the Health Center is closed should call the Lehigh University Police Department at 610-758-4200.
Faculty and staff who work closely with either of the students confirmed to have meningococcal meningitis have already been notified. Please note that meningitis is typically spread only through close contact such as shared saliva or prolonged contact with a person who is infected. It is not spread through casual contact such as being present in the same classroom or eating in the same dining hall.
Students who go home for the Thanksgiving break should seek medical attention if they are concerned they are developing signs and symptoms of meningitis. Common early symptoms include fever, severe sudden headache, lethargy, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting and rash. The rash may begin as a flat, red eruption, mainly on the arms and legs.
We will continue to consult with public health authorities and with infectious disease specialists, and will be closely monitoring the situation. We will keep the campus community informed of any new developments.
Susan C. Kitei, M.D.
Director, Health and Wellness Center
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