Do the math
It’s not about the money.
That’s what I like to say when people congratulate us on the completion of Shine Forever: The Campaign for Lehigh. The effort, which launched publicly in 2004, closed in December with a total of $508 million.
$508 million! That’s a lot of dollars. But what is even more impressive is what those dollars stand for. They represent your commitment to Lehigh University and the belief you have in your Lehigh degree. They are a testament to how much you love this place, and speak volumes about the promise of our students and your investment in their future.
Those dollars also mean a great deal to our students. The campaign resulted in the creation of more than 537 new endowed scholarships, 27 new endowed chairs and coaching positions, and tremendous new opportunities for Lehigh students and faculty. The Lehigh Fund alone accounted for $121 million of the total, surpassing our $100 million goal.
Let me throw a few more numbers at you. During the course of the campaign, Lehigh received 233,573 gifts from 45,062 donors. Of those gifts, 77 percent were under $250. So you can see how every single gift matters, no matter what the size, as we work toward the success of Lehigh University.
So thank you! I hope you will join me now as we look ahead to the university’s bright future, and think about how you might engage in life at Lehigh. Tell us your opinions, take advantage of our career networking opportunities, make a Lehigh Fund gift, or just come back for a visit. The more you share, the stronger Lehigh grows—and the more valuable your degree becomes.
And don’t forget: Every little bit adds up, especially when we’re all working together toward big things for Lehigh.
Robert W. Wolfenden
Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations
February 2010
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