CBE seniors rank accounting and economics programs with nation’s best
Seniors in the College of Business and Economics have given high marks to the CBE’s accounting and microeconomics programs in a survey released this week by Bloomberg BusinessWeek.
The accounting discipline was ranked sixth in the country, while microeconomics finished eighth. Financial management also earned high marks and a number 16 ranking nationally.
Strategy (24), business law (26), and macroeconomics (30) rounded out the business school disciplines that made the top 50 in their respective categories. To see a full list of the rankings by specialty for Lehigh, click here.
According to Bloomberg Business Week’s Web site, more than 85,000 senior business students from 139 business schools across the United States were asked to assign letter grades—A through F—to a range of business disciplines. Those questions were part of a much larger survey used to determine the weekly magazine’s annual undergraduate rankings program. The CBE finished 27th overall in this year’s survey.
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