Campus event highlights: Oct. 9 to Oct. 18, 2009
Campus event highlights: Oct. 9 to Oct. 18, 2009
(All events are free unless otherwise noted.)
Friday, Oct. 9: Feel Good Fridays
Friday, Oct. 9: Percy Hughes Award Ceremony and Reception
Friday, Oct. 9: Speed Friending
Monday-Friday, Oct. 12-16: The Clothesline Project
Monday, Oct. 12: Internships and Jobs in Allied Health Fields
Tuesday, Oct. 13: New York City: Past. Present. Your Future.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: The Financial Crisis Is Over...So Now What?
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Vector fields on spheres.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Israel and the UN Wednesday, Oct. 14: Take Back the Night March
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Chowing for Charity
Thursday, Oct. 15: Founder’s Day
Thursday, Oct. 15: Women’s Status, Men’s States.
Friday, Oct. 9: Feel Good Fridays
On selected Fridays throughout the semester, the Community Service Office holds Feel Good Fridays with activities ranging from helping out at the Boys and Girls Club, to stocking food pantries, to stuffing envelopes. Contact the Community Service Office for more information and to sign up.
Oct. 9: Percy Hughes Award Ceremony and Reception
The launch of this unversity-wide award honors individuals who work towards implementing big, transformative ideas with grace, tenacity and devotion. The event begins at 7 p.m. in the Asa Packer Dining Hall. For more information, visit the Percy Hughes website.
Friday, Oct. 9: Speed Friending
Late Night Lehigh offers an opportunity for Lehigh students to meet new people and expand their circle of friends. The event begins at 7 p.m. in Lamberton Hall.
Monday, Oct. 12: Internships and Jobs in Allied Health Fields
Three alumni—Carrie Rich ’07, William Robinson ’09 and Nishika Vidanage ’07, ‘09G—return to Lehigh to hold a panel discussion and talk with students about career opportunities in health fields. The event, sponsored by Health, Medicine and Society and cosponsored by the Public Health Coalition, begins at noon in Linderman 200.
Monday-Friday, Oct. 12-16: The Clothesline Project
The Clothesline Project is a 20-year-old national effort to raise awareness about violence against women. Sponsored at Lehigh by the university’s Women’s Center, the event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the lawn in front of the University Center.
Tuesday, Oct. 13: New York City: Past. Present. Your Future.
The annual Stacom Family ire@l Speaker Series, sponsored by the Goodman Center for Real-Estate Studies, presents an address by Robert T. Lapidus, president and CIO of L&L Holding Company, LLC. Lapidus, one of New York City's most respected real estate executives, will speak on the topic of New York City: Past. Present. Your Future. Lapidus helps lead a portfolio consisting of 5 million square feet, primarily in Manhattan, with a market value of more than $3 billion. The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in the Zoellner Arts Center's Baker Hall. Contact the Goodman Center's Mary Pat DeJarnette for more information.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: The Financial Crisis Is Over...So Now What?
Thomas J. Hyclak, professor of economics, and Wight Martindale Jr., executive-in-residence in the College of Business and Economics, discuss the latest developments in the nation's economy and the policy discussions taking place in Washington, D.C. The forum will begin at 4:10 p.m. in Room 91 of the Rauch Business Center.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Vector fields on spheres.
The Mathematics Department Colloquium presents an address by David L. Johnson, associate professor of mathematics, titled Vector fields on spheres: an experimental approach to a question in geometry. The event will begin at 4 p.m. in Room 201 of Christmas-Saucon Hall.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Take Back the Night March
The Women’s Center will hold its annual Take Back the Night March to honor people who have survived sexual, domestic and other forms of abuse. The march will include a speak-out at Lower Cents to offer witnesses and survivors an opportunity to share their stories. The event begins at 6 p.m. at Lookout Point.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Israel and the UN
Ambassador Daniel Carmon, Israel's deputy permanent representative to the United Nations, will give an address titled Israel and the UN, beginning at 7 p.m. in Sinclair Auditorium. The event is sponsored by the Lehigh University United Nations Partnership. For more information, contact Bill Hunter.
Wednesday, Oct. 14: Chowing for Charity
At Chowing for Charity (formerly Breakfast for a Buck), students are served breakfast food for a $2 donation. All proceeds are donated to autism research. Sponsors include the C.O.A.C.H. program in athletics, Residential Services, Student Auxiliary Services, and Dining Services. The event runs from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. in Rathbone Dining Hall.
Thursday, Oct. 15: Founder’s Day
The celebration of Lehigh’s founder, Asa Packer, will be marked by the installation of Lehigh Provost Patrick Farrell and the recognition of newly promoted/tenured faculty members as well as recipients of endowed chairs and professorships. The ceremony also will recognize student leaders and Leadership Plaza donors. The event begins at 4 p.m. in Packer Memorial Church.
Thursday, Oct. 15: Women’s Status, Men’s States.
The Phi Beta Kappa Visiting Scholar Program presents a lecture by Catherine MacKinnon titled Women’s Status, Men’s States. MacKinnon, professor of law at the University of Michigan, will discuss women’s rights on the international stage and the direction of international law on gender issues. MacKinnon is a lawyer, teacher and writer specializing in sexual equality under international and constitutional law. She is a visiting lecturer at Harvard Law School and a gender adviser to the prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.
The event begins at 5 p.m. in Auditorium 1 of Neville Hall. It is sponsored by Women’s Studies and cosponsored by the Globalization and Social Change Initiative, the Women’s Center, and the departments of international relations and political science.
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