Call for nominations issued for 2011 Commencement

The Commencement Speaker Nominations Committee and the Faculty Honorary Degree Committee, representing undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff, have issued a call for nominations for 2011 commencement participants.

Members of the campus community who wish to propose a commencement speaker, baccalaureate speaker or honorary degree recipients are invited to do so at

After seeking nominations from the campus community and alumni, the committees will review submissions and provide a list of recommended individuals to the president, who will make the final decision in consultation with the executive committee of the Board of Trustees.

Current Lehigh faculty, staff and students are ineligible to receive honorary degrees.

Criteria for each category—commencement speaker, baccalaureate speaker and honorary degrees—are outlined on individual web sites that are accessible through the nomination web site. Nominations are accepted for these commencement participants on a rolling basis.

To receive full consideration for the 2011 commencement exercises, nominations are due by midnight April 23, 2010.

All nominations will be handled in strict confidence.

If you have any questions, please send an email to

Professor Lynn Columba, committee chair
Professor David Anastasio, honorary degree committee chair
Professor Lloyd Steffen, university chaplain