A New Vision

Dean Georgette Chapman Phillips talks with guests at the third annual impact symposium hosted by the College of Business and Economics. Photo by Christa Neu.
With every step, the College of Business and Economics is becoming more and more integrated into the business world. Yes, our mission is to educate, but we also see our job as creating knowledge and interacting with the community to solve societal problems.
For that reason and many more, I'm excited to share with you the second annual issue of Lehigh Business, as we tackle the provocative subject of "Getting Paid" in our cover story. With earnings and wages affecting all of us, the story delves into the complexities behind controversial CEO compensation packages, gender pay inequalities and minimum wage wars. This topic formed the core for our annual impact symposium (page 8), bringing together educators, community leaders and economists to discuss these issues as well as the impact of states' occupational licensing. While we talk about these issues in the classroom, of course, it is important to note that they are not abstract concepts; they also have growing importance outside the classroom.
This year, the College continues to move on its bold ambition of transforming from our reputation as an excellent, regionally known undergraduate program into one of a business school of national and international stature.
We are extending our reach into industry with our new and revitalized Research Centers and an expanded Executive Education Program. David E. Welsh, executive director of Lehigh University Executive Education, shares his vision for Lehigh's program in a Question-and-Answer segment (page 10).
We also continue to hire and retain top-tier faculty. In our Faculty Research section (page 13), you will learn about some of the groundbreaking research of our faculty, including a new study co-authored by Liuba Belkin, associate professor of management, that finds a link between the after-hours email expectations of organizations and employees' emotional exhaustion. Other faculty research delves into daily fantasy sports, the enduring value of emotional ambivalence, companies' mobile strategies, "contagion" in economic activities and the impact of sanctions on certified public accounting firms.
As a College, we're also working with each other more closely to support our mission, whether it means the mentoring of a junior faculty member or the sponsoring of a research symposium between two departments. The Faculty Collaboration graphic (page 19) shows the depth of the collaboration that is already occurring among faculty.
In this issue, we also bring you stories of our students, including those behind the energetic Women in Business group, and our alumni, including tech pioneer Sanjay Shah '89MBA; Lea Giménez '12 Ph.D., the first female Vice Minister of Economics in Paraguay; and Erika McEney Hanauer '09, who founded a non-profit to help at-risk children.
We hope you enjoy this issue of Lehigh Business. You can stay up-to-date with the College at cbe.lehigh.edu.
Georgette Chapman Phillips
The Kevin L. and Lisa A. Clayton Dean of the College
of Business and Economics
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