Stories about Diversity & Inclusion

Donald Outing

Lehigh Holds First Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Town Hall

The hour-long meeting provided information on the university’s Diversity, Inclusion and Equity (DI&E) Strategic Plan and Progress Measures.

Lehigh University campus at dusk with Linderman Library in background and lights in foreground

Council for Equity and Community Launches New Diversity, Inclusion & Equity Resources and Toolkit Page

The dynamic and searchable tool highlights DI&E efforts and initiatives across campus.

Sareena Karim

New Baker Institute Program Promotes Diversity In Entrepreneurship

R.I.S.E. addresses the challenges of being a woman entrepreneur while also boosting entrepreneurship programs for underrepresented college students.

Lehigh University Alumni Memorial Building

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Plan Progress

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.

Lehigh Classroom

Cultivating Students’ Sense of Belonging

Lehigh hosts a two-day faculty workshop to promote and share best practices for effective teaching and learning among diverse student populations.

Richard Gordon IV

Preparing Effective School Leaders in a Diverse Society

Lehigh’s College of Education focuses on innovative teaching, experiential learning and interdisciplinarity. Its graduates have won accolades for their school leadership.

BIPOC retreat

Office of Multicultural Affairs Hosts Weekend Retreat for BIPOC Population

The retreat in the Poconos brought together a group of people from all different cultures, religions and socio-economic backgrounds to find the commonalities in their shared experiences.

Veterans Day at Lehigh

Lehigh Observes Veterans Day

In observance of Veterans Day, Lehigh treated active, reserve and retired members of the military services to lunch Thursday in the Clayton University Center.

The Center for Gender Equity.

Center for Gender Equity Celebrates 30th Anniversary

The center will mark the anniversary with a ‘Walk Down Memory Lane’ on Sept. 22 and Sept. 23 from 10 a.m. to noon.

Campus beauty

Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Plan

A message sent to members of the Lehigh community.